Taking the First Step

stepping stone on water

How I got started into natural living

Although I am not new to the natural living world, I do remember what it was like starting my journey almost 9 years ago. There is so much information out there. It can be incredibly overwhelming. To be honest, I accidentally fell into this lifestyle when my son was about one. He kept having rashes and I couldn’t figure out why. It turned out he was allergic to the chemicals in the diapers and I had to switch to cloth! Being young and my first child, all I could think about was how awful this was going to be. I remembered that my cousin used cloth diapers and I reached out to her and said HELP!


When the first batch of cloth diapers arrived, it came with a pamphlet. It contained all the information on the chemicals used in diapers, their effects on the body and how they break down in the environment (they don’t). Well, dang it. So while I felt that the decision was made for me, I was still proud that I had made the choice to commit. (don’t worry, this blog isn’t about cloth diapers, its not for everyone and that’s ok!) Once I learned the system, it was easy and it saved my sons bottom (and wallet which was a nice bonus). However, this was the only thing I did “naturally” at the time and I brushed all the information I had just learned under the rug. It wouldn’t be until the following year when Mason turned two, that I would learn about sunscreen. YIKES! (another post)

So the research began and my passion for natural living was born.


Taking the first step

Food seems to be an obvious choice when we think about what we are putting in our bodies. What sometimes gets over looked is all the products we also put on our bodies and in our bodies, non food related. Once you start learning about some of these ingredients and their role in the body, you will find ingredients do matter! It’s not just a “hippie” thing.


The key to living a more natural lifestyle is changing small things over time but you have to start! The small changes that you do make, matter. Once you take that first step, you will be excited to take another.


You will learn through your journey that you aren’t perfect and you cant do it all. You might be “crunchy” to someone who doesn’t live this lifestyle at all or “more crunchy” than someone who does, but trust me there are people out there that do way more than what I am even capable of. Don’t feel guilty when you can’t change everything. You have to let that go. Take it for what it is and be true to who you are. Ask yourself: What do you care about, what is important to you, what changes can you make that will lead to a healthier life for yourself and your family? Then.. take that first step.


I would love to hear how your journey started, leave a comment below!

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